I have yet to come across one good-looking racist. When I say "good-looking" I mean really good-looking, not merely "good-looking for a racist". When I say "racist" I mean the hardcore believer in racial superiority. The person who believes it they way they believe a religion, for instance. The kind of person who would strap on a bomb for a cause. Even by their own standards of beauty, meaning ethnic beauty, Aryan beauty or African beauty, or whatever other standard, they tend to be quite unpleasant to look at.

Too old, too pudgy, too doughy, balding, recessive chins, buck-teeth, jowls, paunches, asslessness, pronounced adam's apples, beady eyes, greasy skin, flaring nostrils, bat-wing ears, man-boobs, spindly legs, acne pits, face-wide noses. They all leave a lot to be desired in the looks department.

Your looks influence the kind of person you become. People spend their whole lives looking for something to feel good about themselves for. Academic success, a successful career, good parenting are not merely things you do, they are your attempts to feel proud of yourself. If you are good-looking you are constantly complimented on how good you look and you see the double-standard between your looks and those of other people. You never have to look far to feel good, just  for the nearest mirror.

If you are miserable with yourself for how you look, you need to find a way to compensate. You need to find an arena in which you can compete, or better yet make public discourse into one. You do this by working hard so that you can take pride in your hard work, by making yourself into something impressive, or you do it by finding fault in other people. The idea is to make it clear to the world that you are superior without the pressure of having to look good. When you preach racism, you don't have to be Brad Pitt, just white, or black or whatever your color of choice is.

If race matters then even the ugly in the master-race are good-looking, just by virtue of being the right shade.
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