The free era of the  Internet will end
Everything in life exists purely as a means to generate wealth. That’s how the men who love money see it. If it can be controlled, it should and will be controlled. Rivers make money for companies who supply electricity, that means that the river no longer belongs to “all of us”, but to the guys who have the right to dam it. The Internet is way too free, too much of a frontier, even now. It needs to be broken, to be made into a force for dumbing down and pacifying the populace, and, also,  making rich men richer. The end is fucking nigh but the few who care are outnumbered by the already lobotomized, pacified,
walking dead who see this purely as a means to look at pretty pictures and pass on chain emails.

You might not always have electricity
The whole illusion of
civilization depends on it, on comfort and pretty lights, and the ease of doing minor tasks, and on TV.  Everybody alive, even in the Thirdest of the Third World, was raised with the benefits of it, it’s part of what we expect from life, so that nobody can imagine a situation where it just was not available anymore.

That other people's children are unpleasant to be around
They are,
goddammit. They aren’t smart, or lovable, or mine, I have no concern for their well-being, no interest in their nurturing, and have nothing to gain or lose from them dying right now or going on to win Nobel Prizes. I really, sincerely, do not give a fuck if they get abducted by serial killing molesters or if they decide to try crack. It’s not my job to care and I don’t owe you anything. Expecting concern or adoration  from random strangers is a serious presumption.

That sex, just by itself,  isn’t "all that"
A warm, wet hole is a
warm, wet hole, a phallus is a phallus, an orgasm is a pleasurable reflex. No mystery, no magic. Everything else is all about your hormones and your desire to believe that there is some kind of happiness out there beyond what you can already find with your palm. It’s a human weakness, this compulsive searching for holy grails and pots of gold.

America as a Third World Country
People like to think that they deserve what they have. You grow up middle class it means that you are innately more worthy than people who grew up poor, right? That’s why middle-class people go into “why me?” self-pity mode every time tragedy strikes, people secretly believe that they are too good for bad shit to happen to them. America is wealthy because Americans are the coolest, best people on Earth, and nothing will ever change that. If that is wrong, however, if the rules of life and human foolishness apply here just like everywhere else, if Americans can be fucked without lube like everybody else.
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